And, as expected, since the gifts are set to WC slot#0, the first Wondercard acts as if I haven't picked up the gift from the Pokémart yet and likely will remain that way until I collect every gift, heh. Saved the file, and all the PGT have their slot# set to 0. I just went and tried it, is it supposed to work? :o (with the latest commit yes), as a test I added six Manaphy Egg PGT in the first 6 slots, and then Kyle Riolu and Almia Darkrai in slots 7-8, then I put Riolu's PCD in the first PCD slot and Darkrai's in the second. Not that it's really important here, anyway.) (This also showed me how it's possible to end up with mismatched PCD and PGT positions Manaphy Egg does that. I can upload a save file if you want to see :p I received a bunch of stuff from Shadows of Almia yesterday, the Manaphy Egg, being a PGT with no matching PCD, seems to be given a matching PCD index of 3 (meaning it doesn't point to a valid Wondercard it doesn't cause any issues.) The other two that are actual Wondercards refer to PCD slot 0 and PCD slot 1.

Or at least, that's how both Pokesav and PMGE show it :p (and PMGE does it wrong too in thinking that 1 = first Wondercard, heh.) PGT with no matching PCD should have their PCD slot# set to 3.

Items in FR/LG can stack up to 999, however PKHeX only allows you to set up to 95 items per slot, and if you have more than 95 of an item in-game and edit your bags via PKHeX, it will actually "delete" most of them and leave you with only 95.įor the record, I am fairly certain that the default value of 0 refers to the first PCD.(A way to manually specify which card number a PGT corresponds to could be added, in case someone wants to do that I guess.) If the user specifically sets a PGT without a PCD then I guess corresponding card number could be left as default. Suggestion, could we be able to set PGT directly from PCD without having to separately import a PGT?įor one, this would be a lot more convenient, but at the same time, this could be a way of setting the corresponding card numbers on the PGT slot when PGT is set from PCD, set that gift slot's corresponding card number to whichever PCD slot was used. (This is easier to see in PMGE, and the save files I uploaded the other day show clearly how it should normally work.) In order to have it work the way it's intended to work, the PGT's corresponding card number needs to be set to 00, 01 or 02, depending on which slot their Wondercard is in. Setting three Wondercards in with PKHeX along with three PGT in the same slots, it looks like right now it sets the corresponding card number of PGT1 and PGT3 to 02, while the corresponding card number of PGT2 is set to 00. IV the PGT are matched with a PCD, and if the gift that goes with a certain card hasn't been picked up yet, the card will display a message telling you to pick up the gift from the Pokémart (and if it has been picked up, the card will say you have already received this gift.) Latest build lacks the ability to properly "match" a PCD and a PGT together (this is what I wanted to test last time, before running into that problem with saving the file.).Some extra events like Giovanni story and Armored Mewtwo related to Psinergy (MegaEvolution and Shadow Mewtwo).Fishing Minigame (if the option is toggled) similar to PokéPark Fishing Rally DS.Minigames: Slot machines, Voltorb Flip, Pikachu Surfing minigame(Pokémon Yellow's Pikachu with Surf is needed), Pikachu Music Run.There is an extra for this where Pokémon Blue, Red or Yellow ".SAV" file can add Pokémon and items to Lets Go Unity save file data. Game Boy emulator where you can play GB ROMs (not included with the game).Fakemon (I have a 130 designed fakemon with some of them already included in the game).Well, the game is not the same as Lets Go. In the future, I would like to recreate Johto in Lets Go style, creating Pokémon Lets Go Crystal. Pokémon Lets Go Unity aims to recreate the original game adding more features, so the story is the same as always.